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Husserl, Edmund 1859-1938
External Links - Specific to Husserl

 * Active Electronic Listservs and Egroups:
[*]   husserl-dialognet (U.S.A.)
The oldest and most active listserv for conversation about the life and works of Husserl.
[*]   Newsletter of Phenomenology (Romania/U.S.A.)
Sponsored by the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations, this weekly newsletter includes up-to-date information regarding the most important events in the field of phenomenology.
[*]   Phenomenology-- The International Phenomenology List (Austria)
The International Phenomenology List was started in June 2000 by Zentrum für Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik der Werte (Austria) in cooperation with the Bulgarian Phenomenology Center.
 * Biblioteca Husserliana (Italy)
Bibliography of original secondary sources about Husserl's philosophy in the Italian language.
 * Encyclopedia Articles
[*]   Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Edmund Husserl" (U.S.A.)
This article presents the following topics:  Husserl's biography; how to interpret Husserl's texts, über den Begriff der Zahl ("On the Concept of Number," 1887); Logische Untersuchungen (Logical Investigations, 1900-01); Ideen I (Ideas I, 1913); Ideen II (Ideas II); and a discussion of Husserl's Published Works. Writtten by Marianne Sawicki.
[*]   Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: "Edmund Husserl" (U.S.A.)
The essay moves from an initial discussion of Husserl's life and work to cover the following topics: pure logic, meaning, intuitive fulfillment and intentionality; indexicality and propositional content; singularity and horizon-intentionality; the phenomenological epoché; local epoché, perceptual noema, hyle and time-consciousness; empathy, intersubjectivity and lifeworld; and the intersubjective constitution of objectivity. It also provides a bibliography, list of Internet resources and links to related entries. Written by Christian Beyer.
 * Glossary Guide for Translating Husserl (Mexico) Versión en español
"The first and foremost aim is to establish a glossary that can be used as a guide for translating the works of Edmund Husserl into Spanish, so the future translations (including the future editions of those already existent) can achieve a terminological uniformity based on a reasonable consensus, a uniformity desirable in cases, such as this one, of the translations of scientific texts.
    The ultimate aim, in whose stepwise realization I (Antonio Zirión) am inviting the phenomenological community to participate, is giving the glossary a multi-lingual character, so that it may serve to aid in the translation of the works of Husserl to every language dead or alive. This multi-lingual glossary will be, naturally, a development of the one initiated by Dorion Cairns in his Guide for Translating Husserl."
 * Husserl Circle Web Page
Husserl Circle of International Scholars ( News of the Husserl Circle, meeting times and places, old programs, and other announcements.
 * Husserl Database (Japan)
A database of search results created from the Husserliana texts.
 * "Diccionario Husserl - Husserl Wörterbuch - Husserl Dictionary" Project
The "Diccionario Husserl - Husserl Wörterbuch - Husserl Dictionary", whose aim is to be an important aid in the study of Husserl works, is a vast compilation of Husserlian expressions which are "defined" or clarified directly by textual passages from Husserl works. The vocabulary and the passages themselves are both in Spanish and German, and the site has a Spanish and a German interface. In the first version now published, the Dictionary embraces only 6 Husserl works, but it intends to expand to cover the whole of Husserl works translated into Spanish. The Husserl Dictionary project is developed by Antonio Zirión Q. at the Seminario-Taller de Estudios y Proyectos de Fenomenología Husserliana, at UNAM and the Universidad Michoacana, Mexico.
Link for the Spanish interface:
Link for the German interface:
 * (U.S.A.)
A well conceived addition to the growing net resources related to the work of Edmund Husserl. "The goal of is to apply internet technologies to the study of Husserl's works. In addition to stimulating new directions in Husserl scholarship, the hope is that this will increase Husserl's exposure in philosophy and other areas (including cognitive science and social science)." Designed and created by Jeff Yoshimi.
 * Husserl Film and Picture Files
Direct access to images of Husserl readily available on the world wide web.  This page includes a link to a little know film of Husserl speaking with his daughter.
 * Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung
A web page which lists the contents of the contents of the 11 published volumes of the Jahrbuch, the philosophical journal Husserl edited in conjunction with Oskar Becker, Moritz Geiger, Martin Heidegger, Alexander Pfänder, Adolf Reinach, and Max Scheler.
 * Meiner Verlag für Philosophie: Husserls Gesammelte Schriften (Germany)
If you want to acquire an excellent set of Husserl's writings at an excellent price, the Meiner edition of the Gesammelte Schriften and other texts comes highly recommended. Edited by Elisabeth Ströker.
 * Noesis Press, Ltd. (U.S.A.)
"Noesis Press, Ltd. is a new publishing venture. Our aim is to become a leader--critically acclaimed and commercially successful--in the publication of books in the field of phenomenological philosophy. Established in 1998, Noesis Press engages a team of experienced and internationally recognized editors, authors, and translators dedicated to the goal of issuing significant, well-made, and affordable books in three related areas: translations of major phenomenological texts, reprints of classical phenomenological studies, and contemporary studies in phenomenology. To this end, Noesis Press will publish two series-- Classics in Phenomenology and Contemporary Phenomenological Thought--and an annual periodical, The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Since the phenomenological tradition is a vital presence not only in North America and Europe, but in Latin America and Asia as well, the market for our books and journal--consisting of students, teachers, and researchers in phenomenological philosophy--is a global one."
 * Springer Online
Web page(s) by the primary publisher of Husserl's works in German and English or search the complete Springer catalog.
  [*]   HUSSERLIANA: Gesammelte Werke
  [*]   HUSSERLIANA: Collected Works
  [*]   HUSSERLIANA: Dokumente
  [*]   HUSSERLIANA: Materialien
  [*]   HUSSERLIANA: Studienausgabe
  [*]   Book Series: Analecta Husserliana
  [*]   Book Series: Contributions to Phenomenology
  [*]   Book Series: Phaenomenologica
  [*]   Journal: Continental Philosophy Review
  [*]   Journal: Human Studies
  [*]   Journal: Husserl Studies
  [*]   Journal: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
  [*]   Journal: Synthese
 * Steinschneider Genealogy (USA)
The family tree of Edmund Husserl's wife, Malvine Husserl neé Steinschneider. Includes an interesting picture of the Steinschneider/Husserl family.
 * Wegweiser durch die Husserl-Literatur (Germany)
Research of Husserl-Literatur made available by the Universtät Freiburg library system.  An independent publication of these results is under construction to be available from the Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg im Breisgau, Dr. Albert Raffelt. See especially neusten Husserl-Literatur (Zeitschriftenaufsätze und Buchbeiträg) for a guide to newly published literature on Husserlian phenomenology.

Contact Bob Sandmeyer at with questions or comments.

Copyright © 1996-2012 Bob Sandmeyer.