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Husserl, Edmund 1859-1938
Nachlass Classificatory Scheme(1)

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A. Mundane Phänomenologie
A. Mundane Phenomenology

I. Logik und formale Ontologie
(422 Konvolute)

I. Logic and Formal Ontology
(422 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Formale Ethik, Rechtsphilosophie (1)

II. Formal Ethics, Philosophy of Law (1)

III. Ontologie (Eidetik und ihre Methodologie) (13)

III. Ontology (Eidetics and its methodology) (13)

IV. Wissenschaftslehre (22)

IV. Theory of science (22)

V. Intentionale Anthropologie (Person und Umwelt) (26)

V. Intentional Anthropology (Person and Surrounding-World) (26)

VI. Psychologie (Lehre von der Intentionalität) (36)

VI. Psychology (Doctrine of Intentionality)(36)

VII. Theorie der Weltapperzeption (31)

VII. Theory of World Apperception (31)

B. Die Reduktion
B. The Reduction

I. Wege zur Reduktion
(38 Konvolute)

I. Paths to the reduction
(38 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Die Reduktion selbst und ihre Methodologie (23)

II.The Reduction itself and its Methodology (23)

III. Vorläufige transzendentale Intentionalanalytik (12)

III.Preliminary Transcendental Intentional Analysis (12)

IV. Historische und systematische Selbstcharakteristik der Phänomenologie (12)

IV.Historical and Systematic Self-characterization of Phenomenology (12)

C. Zeitkonstitution als formale Konstitution
(17 Konvolute)

C. Time-Constitution as Formal Constitution
(17 bundles of manuscripts)

D. Primordiale Konstitution ("Urkonstitution")
(18 Konvolute)

D. Primordial Constitution ("Urkonstitution")
(18 Bundles of manuscripts)

E. Intersubjektive Konstitution
E. Intersubjective Constitution

I. Konstitutive Elementarlehre der unmittelbaren Fremderfahrung
(7 Konvolute)

I. Constitutional Basic Doctrine of the Immediate Experience of the Other
(7 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Konstitution der mittelbaren Fremderfahrung (die volle Sozialität) (3)

II. Constitution of the Mediate Experience of the Other (Full Sociality) (3)

III. Transzendetale Anthroplogie (transzendentale Theologie, usw.) (11)

III. Transcendental Anthropology (Transcendental Theology, etc.) (11)

F. Vorlesungen und Vorträge
F. Lecture Courses and Public Lectures

I. Vorlesungen und Teile aus Vorlesungen
(44 Konvolute)

I. Lecture Courses and Parts from Lectures
(44 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Vorträge mit Beilagen (7)

II. Public Lectures with Appendices (7)

III. Manuskripte der gedruckten Abhandlungen mit späteren Beilagen (1)

III. Manuscripts of Published Treatises with Later Appendices (1)

IV. Lose Blätter (4)

IV. Loose Sheets (4)

K. Autographe, in der kritischen Sichtung von 1935 nicht aufgenommen
K. Manuscripts, not Included in the Critical Inventory of 1935

I. Manuskripte vor 1910
(69 Konvolute)

I. Manuscripts earlier than 1910
(69 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Manuskripte von 1910-1930 (5)

II. Manuscripts from 1910-1930 (5)

III. Manuskripte nach 1930-zur Krisisproblematik (34)

III. Manuscripts later than 1930-to the problems of Krisis (34)

IX.-X. Abschriften von Randbemerkungen Husserl in den Büchern seiner Bibliothek

IX-X. Copies of Husserl's Marginal Notes in Books of his Library

L. Bernauer Maunskripte
L. The Bernau Manuscripts

I. (21 Konvolute)

I. (21 bundles of manuscripts)

II. (21 Konvolute)

II. (21 bundles of manuscripts)

M. Abschriften von Manuskripten Husserls in Kurrentschrift bzw. Machinenschrift, vor 1938 von Husserls Assistenten in Freiburg ausgeführt
M. Copies of Husserl's Manuscripts in Cursive or Typescript, Carried Out by Husserl's Assistants Earlier than 1938

I. Vorlesungen
(4 Konvolute)

I. Lecture Courses
(4 bundles of manuscripts)

II. Vorträge (3)

II. Public Lectures (3)

III. Entwürfe für Publikationen (17)

III. Sketches for Publications (17)

N. Nachschriften
N. Transcriptions

P. Manuskripte anderer Autoren
P. Manuscripts by Other Authors

Q. Notizen Husserls in den Vorlesungen seiner Lehrer
Q. Husserl's Notes from Lecture Courses by His Teachers

R. Briefe
R. Letters

I. Briefe von Husserl

I. Letters by Husserl

II. Briefe an Husserl

II. Letters to Husserl

III. Brief über Husserl

III. Letters about Husserl

IV. Briefe Malvine Husserls (nach 1938)

III. Letters by Malvine Husserl (after 1938)

X. Archivaria
X. Archival Materials

Groups A, B, C, D, and E were put together according to systematic aspects in 1935/36 [by Fink and Landgrebe]. However, this systematic arrangement is only a very global one; for the individual bundles of Husserl's manuscripts, as they existed already prior to this arrangement, were no more analyzed and divided up in detail, but only classified as wholes and according to their overall titles. Group F was put together in 1935/36. Group K consists of those manuscripts, mostly written in shorthand, which Van Breda found in Freiburg in 1938 but which had not been included in the classification of 1935/36. The manuscripts of group L were handed over for editing to Eugen Fink by Husserl, probably in 1929 (?) and they were transmitted to the Husserl Archives in February 1969 (Bernet et. al. 1993, 248).

1. Source: Bernet, Rudolf, Iso Kern, and Eduard Marbach. 1993. An introduction to Husserlian phenomenology. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 246-47.

2. A I enthält 42 Konvolute nach dem "Identitätsverzeichnis der Manuskripte" am Husserl Archiv-Leuven. (A I contains 42 bundles of manuscripts according to the "Register of Manuscripts" at the Husserl Archive Leuven.)

Contact Bob Sandmeyer at with questions or comments.