Husserl, Edmund 1859-1938
The Husserl-Archive
in Leuven (Belgium)
Without question, the Husserl-Archive (and its mirror sites) represents the most important resource available for Husserl scholarship on the
Internet. Founded in 1939 by H.L. Van Breda, the Archive at Leuven
is the central repository of Husserl's manuscripts, philosophical
library and correspondence. Presently under the direction of Ulrich Melle,
the Husserl-Archive is open to scholars interested
in studying these important collections. Their web site provides
an overview of the Archive's
history and aims,
guest researchers,
research projects
editions and publications,
Identitätsverzeichnis (maunscript index),
latest Mitteilungsblatt (yearly newsletter) and other
facilities and address information and
links of interest outside the
- Mailing address:
KU Leuven
Husserl-Archief te Leuven
Kardinaal Mercierplein 2
B - 3000 Leuven
Tel. + 32 (0)16 - 32 63 28
Husserl Archiv in Freiburg (Germany)
Under the Directorship of Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmuth Gander,
this archive in Freiburg has available microfiche copies of all of Husserl's
manuscripts. Working in cooperation with Leuven, the Freiburg archive
attempts to make Husserl's complete literary estate more fully accessible.
Their website includes the following links:,
brief history of the archive,
Gastforscher(-innen) (guest researchers),
See also the:
Colloquium Phaenomenologicum website.
- Mailing address:
Husserl-Archiv Freiburg
Kollegiengebäude I
Räume 1195-1198
Platz der Universität 3
79098 Freiburg
Tel. + 49 (0)761 - 20 32 42 7
Husserl-Archiv der Universität zu Köln (Germany)
Under the directorship of Dieter Lohmar,
Andreas Hüttemann, and
Wilfried Hinsch,
the Archive at Cologne has a robust website devoted to Husserl's work and life. The website contains the following
sets of internal pages:
About the Husserl-Archiv,
Husserls Nachlass (literary estate),
Leben u. Werk (life and work),
Gesammelte Werke (editions),
Personen (staff and contact info),
Gastwissenschaftler (visiting researchers),
Bibliothek (library), and
links (library).
See also their events pages, which is too rich to detail here. (All pages are in German.)
- Mailing address:
Universität zu Köln
D-50923 Köln
Tel.: + 49 221 470 23 67
Fax: + 49 221 470 50 40
Les Archives Husserl de Paris (France)
Located at the École normale supérieure, this archival resource provides
opportunities for serious research on copies of Husserl's manuscripts.
- Mailing address:
École normale supérieure
Archives Husserl
45 rue d'Ulm
75230 Paris - cedex 005
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 32 30 09
Fax: +33 (0)1 44 32 31 22
Husserl Archive at the New School (U.S.A.)
The Archive, established in Memory of Alfred Schutz, contains copies of all
collated, transcribed manuscripts (basically transcriptions done up through
the early seventies) as well as catalogues for the use of the manuscripts
(identity, chronological, title card catalogues, Freiburg indices,
publication catalogue, personal name catalogue). The archive also houses two
catalogues to Husserl's personal library, housed in Leuven. The Archive is
housed in the
Raymond Fogelman Library of the New School.
- Mailing address:
The Husserl Archives in Memory of Alfred Schutz
Department of Philosophy New School for Social Research
79 5th Avenue
New York NY 10003
Tel. +1 (212) 229-5707 x3076
Duquesne's Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center (U.S.A.)
The Silverman Center actively seeks any known archival material in
phenomenology. The most significant archival treasure in all of
phenomenology is the Husserl Archives. These are the unpublished papers of
the founder of the movement: originals at the Catholic University of Leuven,
Belguim, with branch archives here at Duquesne, in New York, Paris, Cologne,
and Freiburg. The Husserl papers are the most important acquisition in the
history of the Silverman Center to date.
Mailing Address:
Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center
The Gumberg Library at Duquesne University
600 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
Contact Bob Sandmeyer at
with questions or comments.
Copyright © 1996-2015 Bob Sandmeyer.