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A Representative Bibliography of Writings

See also the more comprehensive Patočka Bibliography presented by the Jan Patočka Archive

This bibliography is no substitute for those listed in section one of this page.  Indeed, the content of this page is based largely on the content of the first two of these bibliographies. Although representative of Patočka's literary output, there is an obvious deficiency inherent in this representation.  Wherever a writing exists without translation into either English, French or German, then only the title of that work is given (in English).  The intended audience of this web site is, therefore, those Patočka scholars who have no ability to read Czech but who do have knowledge of at least one of these three languages.

Date of last edit: June, 2007.

  1. Bibliographies:
    1. Patočka, Jan.  Texte, Dokumente, Bibliographie.  Hrsg. von Ludger Hagedorn und Hans Rainer Sepp.  Freiburg: K. Alber Verlag, 1999, 524-779.  [ISBN  3-495-47962-7]
    2. Kohák, Erazim.  Jan Patočka.  Philosophy and Selected Writings.  Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1989, 349-377.  [ISBN  0-226-45002-3]
    3. Jan Patočka: Bibliography 1928 - 1996, Czech edition. Edited by Jiri Nemec and David Soucek in collaboration with Ivan Chvatik, Karel Novotny, Vera Soudilova-Schifferova and Ladislava Svandova Praha (Oikúmene´), 1997 [ISBN  80-86005-34-8]
    4. Novák, Josef.  "Selected Bibliography of Jan Patočka's Writings," Kosmas: Journal of Czechoslovak and Central European Studies 5, no. 2 (winter 1966): 115-139.
  2. Representative List of Writings (originally in Czech, titles are translated to English - unless otherwise noted)
    this section is modeled upon Kohák's bibliography and the English titles are taken from that text, see 1.2. above.
    1. 1931.  "The concept of evidence and its significance for epistemology.  (Doctoral Diss. at Karls-U., Prague)
    2. 1933.  "St. Thomas's proofs for God's existence."
    3. 1934.  "Some comments about the extramundane and the mundane position of philosophy."
      French translation:  see 3.12.13-25.
    4. 1934.  "Some comments concerning the concepts of history and historiography."
      German translation:  "Zum Begriff der Geschichte und der Geschichtsschreibung.  Translated by T. Kletecka.  In:
    5. 1935.  "Some comments concerning the concept of world history."
    6. 1936.  The natural world as a philosophical problem.  (Habilitationsschrift)
      French translation: see 3.4.
      German translation: see
    7. 1936.  "Masaryk's and Husserl's conception of the spiritual crisis of European humanity."
      English translation: see 1.2.145-55.
      French translation: see 3.7.19-37.
      German translation: see
    8. 1936. "Der Geist und die zwei Grundschichten der Intentionalität." In Philosophia (Belgrad) 1, nr. 1 (1936): 67-76
      French translation: " L'espirit et les deux couches foundamentales de l'intentionalté. " Translated by Erika Abrams.  In Cahiers philosophiques (Paris 1992), nr. 50, 27-36.
    9. 1936. "Titanism"
      English translation: see
    10. 1937. "Philosophical presumptions of praxis."
    11. 1937. "Existe-t-il un canon définitif de la view philosophique?" In Travaux du IXe Congrès international de philosophie. Paris, 1937, 186-89.
    12. 1937. "The concept of truth in Rádl's debate with positivism."
    13. 1937. "Descartes and metaphysics."
    14. 1938. "The idea of culture and its contemporary relevance."
      French translation:  see 3.13.175-194.
      German translation: see
    15. 1938. Edmund Husserl zum Gedächtnis.  In E. Husserl zum Gedächtnis, Zwei Reden gehalten von L. Landgrebe und J. Patočka. Praha, (Akademia) 1938): 20-30.
    16. 1938. "Concerning the cooperation of philosophy and science."
    17. 1939. "Husserl-Bibliographie" In Reveue internationale de Philosophie 1 (Bruxelles 1939), nr. 2, 374-397.
    18. 1939. "Czech culture in Europe."
      English translation: (in part) "European Culture." Translated by P. Wilson. In Cross Currents (Yale 1984): H. 3, 3-6.
      French translation: see 3.13.133-173.
      German translation: see
    19. 1940. "Concerning the philosophy of history."
    20. 1941. "The plurivocity and univocity of a philosophical text."
    21. 1941. "Herder's philosophy of humanity."
      French translation: "J.G. Herder et sa philosophie de l'humanité." Translated by Erika Abrams.  In Lumières et romantisme.  Annales de l'Institute de Philosophie de l'Université de Bruxelles. Edited by G. Hottois.  Paris: J. Vrin, 1989, 17-26.
    22. 1942. "Two senses of reason and nature in the German Enlightenment."
      English translation: see 1.2.157-174.
    23. 1942. "The history of philosophy and its unity."
    24. 1942. Solipsism and the continuous dream."
      German translation: see
    25. 1942. "World view, world image, philosophy."
    26. 1944. "The Earth as a symbol in K.H. Mácha."
      French translation: see 3.11.195-231.
      German translation: see
    27. 1944. "Epilogue to Kant's Critique of Practical Reason."
    28. 1945. "Comprehensive philosophy of history." (Lectures at Karls-University, 1945/46)
    29. 1946. "Pre-Socratic philosophy." (Lectures at Karls-University, Winter semester)
    30. 1946. "Ideology and the life of the idea."
      English translation: "Ideology and the life in the idea." Translated by E. Manton. In Report of the Center for Theoretical Study.  Prague. 1996, nr. CTS-96-09, pp. 1-7.
      French translation: see 3.12.41-50.
      German translation: see
    31. 1947. "Socrates." (Lectures at Karls-University, Summer semester 1947)
      French Translation of "Excursis over Attic tragedy": see 3.11.21-29.
      German Translation of "Excursis over Attic tragedy": see
    32. 1948. "Plato" (Lectures at Karls-University, 1947-48)
    33. 1948. "Czech humanism and its last word in Rádl."
    34. 1949. "Aristotle." (Lectures at Karl University)
    35. 1949. "Remarques sur le problème de Socrate."  In Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 74, nr. 4-6 (1949): 186-213.
    36. 1953. Masaryk's struggle against anti-Semitism (unpubl. ms., date uncertain)
    37. 1953. "Negative Platonism."
      English translation: see 1.2.175-206.
      French translation: see 3.12.53-98.
      German translation: see
    38. 1953. "Aristotle's philosophical natural science."
    39. 1953. "The first critics of Aristotelianism."
    40. 1953. "The decline of Aristotle's dynamics and a preview of modern mechanism."
    41. 1953. "An interlude at the threshold of modern science: Cusanus and Comenius."
    42. 1954. "Cusanus and Comenius."
    43. 1954. "Galileo and the end of the ancienct cosmos."
    44. 1956. "Philosophy of history in Palacký's Aesthetics."
      German translation: see
    45. 1956. "The idea of sacredness in Palacký's Aesthetics."
      German translation: see
    46. 1956. "Bacon of Verulam and Comenius's Didactics."
    47. 1956. "A sketch of Comenius's works in light of new discoveries."
    48. 1956. "Comenius and the chief philosophical ideas of the seventeenth century."
      German translation:  see 3.3.79-92.
    49. 1957. "Basic philosophical ideas of Jan Amos Komenský-Comenius."
    50. 1957. "Philosophical foundations of Comenius's pedagogy."
    51. 1958. "Bolzano's place in the history of philosophy."
    52. 1958. "Introduction to Comenius, Selected Works, vol. 1."
    53. 1959. "L'état présent des études coméniennes."  In Historica 1. Prague: Universita Karlova, 1959, 197-240.
    54. 1960. Czech translation of Hegel's Die Phänomenologie des Geistes."
    55. 1961. "L'idée d'espace depuis Aristotle jusqu'a Leibniz."  In Sborník brnenské university, 10 (1961), Rada umenovedna (F), nr. 5, 23-41.
    56. 1961. "The significance of Francis Bacon of Verulam."
    57. 1963. "Jean-Jacques Rousseau."
    58. 1963. "Bernard Bolzano."
    59. 1963. "Les antécedents hussites de Comenius." In Pédagogues et juristes.  Paris: Vrin, 1963, 223-36.
    60. 1964. Aristotle.  His forefunners and his heirs.  Studies in the history of philosophy from Aristotle to Hegel.
    61. 1964. "Philosophical significance of Aristotle's conception of movement."
      French translation: see 3.9.127-38.
    62. 1964. "Zur Entwicklung der Ästhetischen Auffassung Hegels." In W.R. Beyer, ed., Hegel-Jahrbuch, 1964. Meisenheim: Ant. Heim, 1965, 49-60.
    63. 1964. "The limping pilgrim Josef Capek."
      French translation: see 3.11.161-94.
      German translation: see3.1.1.451-74.
    64. 1965. "An introduction to the study of Husserl's phenomenology."
      English translation: see 3.18.
      German translation: see
    65. 1965. "La doctine husserlienne de l'intuition eidétique et ses critiques récents." In Révue internationale de philosophie 19. nr. 71-72, 1965: 17-33.
      English translation: "The Husserlian Doctrine of Eidetic Intuition and its Recent Critics.  In F.A. Elliston and P. McCormick, eds., Edmund Husserl: Expositions and Appraisals.  London and Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1977, 150-59.
      German translation: see
    66. 1965. Comments on the prehistory of the science of movement."
      French translation: see 3.9.3-12.
      German translation: see
    67. 1965. "Die Lehre von der Vergangenheit der Kunst."  In L. Landgrebe, ed., Beispiel.  The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965, 46-61.
    68. 1966. "Comenius's pansophistic views and plans."
    69. 1966. "Epilogus" (to Comenius, De rerum humanorum emendatione).
    70. 1966. Hegel's philosophic and aesthetic development."
      French translation: see 3.14.177-304.
      German translation: see
    71. 1967. "The 'natural' world and phenomenology."
      English translation: see 1.2.239-72.
      French translation: see 3.4.13-49.
      German translation: see
    72. 1967. "Time, eternity, and temporality in the work of K.H. Mácha."
      French translation: see 3.11.232-82.
      German translation: see
    73. 1967. "Utopie und System der Ziele der Menschheit bei Comenius." In Acta Comeniana 25, nr. 1 (1967): 67-75.
    74. 1968. Body, Community, Language, World.  (Lectures to the philosophical faculty of the Karls-University, Prague)
      English translation: see 3.16.
    75. 1968. "Die Kritik des pschologischen Objektivismus und das Problem der phänomenomenolschen Psychologie bei Sartre und Merleau-Ponty." In Archiv des XIV. Internationalen Kongress für Philosophie, vol. 2: 656-88.
    76. 1968. "Science and its philosophy in the last fifty years."
    77. 1968. "Husserl's phenomenology, phenomenological philosophy, and Cartesian Meditations."
      French translation: see 3.10.149-88. (partial translation)
      German translation: see (partial translation)
    78. 1968. "The philosophy of Max Scheler."
      German translation: see 1.1.338-82.
    79. 1969. "Intellectuals and opposition."
      English translation: "Opposition and Intellectuals." Translated by E. Findlay.  In "Report of the Center for Theoretical Study," Prague 1998, nt. CT-98-07, 1-10.
      French translation:  "L'intelligentia et l'opposition." Translated by é Gaspard. In L'autre Europe (Paris 1986): nr. 11-12, 131-41.
      German translation:  "Intellektuelle und Opposition." Translated by L. Hageodorn.  In "Report of the Center for Theoretical Study," Praha 1998, nr. CTS-98-07, 11-27.
    80. 1969. "Common morality and the morality of the scholar."
    81. 1969. "The writer and his cause."
      French translation: see 3.11.78-100.
      German translation: see3.1.1.325-42.
    82. 1969. "Czech philosophy and its present phase"
    83. 1969. "Our national program and the present situation."
      French translation: "Notre programme national aujourd'hui." Translated by é Gaspard. In L'autre Europe (Paris 1986), nr. 11-12, 142-46.
      German translation: see
    84. 1969. "What is existence?"
      French translation: see 3.9.243-64 (partial translation)
      German translation: see3.1.4.230-56 (parital translation)
    85. 1970. "Der Subjektivismus der Husserl'schen und die Möglichkeit einer 'asubjektiven' Phänomenologie." In E. Fink, ed. Philosophische Perspektiven, vol. 2. Frankfurt, 1970, 317-34.
      French translation: see 3.10.189-215.
    86. 1970. "De la relation entre la science et la morale traditionelle." In Revue universitaire de science morale 15 (1970): 141-50.
    87. 1970. "Heidegger vom anderen Ufer." In Durchblick. Frankfurt: Klosterman, 1970, 394-411.
    88. 1970. "Comenius und die offene Seele." In J.A. Komensky, Wirkung eines Werkes nach drei Jahrhunderten. Edited by K. Schaller. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1970, 61-74.
      French translation: 3.11.101-127.
    89. 1970.  "Betrachtungen über die "Pambibilia" des J.A. Comenius." In Pädagogische Rudschau 24. (Wuppertal 1970): nr. 12, 887-902.
    90. 1970. "Spirtual foundations of life in our times."
      French translation: see 3.12.215-241.
      German translation: see
    91. 1970. "The Natural World and its author's reflections after thirty-three years."
      French translation: see 3.9.50-124
      German translation: see 3.3.181-269.
    92. 1971. Die Philosophie der Erziehung des J.A. Comenius. Paderhorn: F. Schöningh Verlag, 1971.
    93. 1971. "Der Subjektivismus der Husserlschen und die Forderung einer asubjektiven Phänomenologie."
      French translation: 3.10.217-48.
      German reprint: see
    94. 1972. "La philosophie de la crise des sciences d'après E. Husserl et sa conception d'une phénoménologie du 'monde de la vie'." In Archiwum historii, filozifii i mysli spolecznej (Warsaw), 18, 1972: 3-18.
      English translation: see 1.2.223-238.
      German translation: see
    95. 1972. "Zur ältesten Systematik der Seelenlehre." In W. Biemel, ed. Phänomenologie heute. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972, 122-37.
    96. 1972. "Weltganzes und Menschenwelt." In W. Beierwaltes, ed., Weltaspekte der Philosophie. Amsterdam: O. Reidel, 1972, 243-50.
      French translation: 3.9.265-72.
    97. 1972. "Zu Roman Ingardens Ontologie des malerischen Kunstwerks." In Philosophische Perspektiven. (Frankfurt 1972), nr. 4, edited by R. Berlinger and Eugen Fink, 117-25.
    98. 1973. "Die Gefahren der Technisierung in der Wissenschaft bei E. Husserl und das Wesen der Technik als Gefahr bei M. Heidegger."  Presented at the International Philosophical Congress, Varna, 1973.
      English translation: see 1.2.327-39.
      French translation:  see 3.12.259-275.
    99. 1973. "Der Sinn des Mythos vom Teufelpakt." In Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 15: 291-303.
      French translation: see 3.11.128-49.
    100. 1973. Plato and Europe.
      English translation: see 3.19.
      French translation: Platon et l'Europe. Translated by Erika Abrams. Lagrasse (Verdier), 1983, 9-236.
    101. 1975. "Epoché and reduction."
      French translation: see 3.10.249-61
    102. 1975. Heretical essays in the philosophy of history & "Glosses".
      English translation: see 3.17
      French translation: see 3.5
      German translation: see
    103. 1976. "Cartesianism and phenomenology."
      English translation: see 1.2.285-326
      French translation: see 3.9.180-226
      German translation: see
    104. 1976. "Was ist Phänomenologie?" In H. Kohlenberger, ed. Reason, action and experience: essays in honor of R. Klibanksky. Hamburg: Meiner,, 1979, 31-49.
      French translation: see 3.10.263-302
    105. 1976. "Erinnerungen an Husserl." In W. Biemel, ed. Die Welt des Menschen--die Welt der Philosophie.  Ein Festschrift für Jan Patočka. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976, vii-xix.
    106. 1977. "Two studies about Masaryk: 1. An attempt at a Czech national philosophy and its failure, 2. About Marsaryk's philosophy of religion."
      English translation: (1. study only) "An attempt at a Czech national philosophy and its failure." In M. Capek and K. Hruby, eds. T.G. Masaryk in perspective." New York, SVU, 1981.
      French translation: (1. study only) see 3.7.96-138.
      German translation: (1. study only) see3.1.5.262-291.
  3. Collected Works and Major Translations

    1. GERMAN
    2. Jan Patočka.  Ausgewählte Schriften.  Hrsg. am Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen. Verlag Klett-Cotta.
      1. Kunst und Zeit. Kulturphilosophische Schriften. Hrsg. v. Klaus Nellen und Ilja Srubar. 1987.
      2. Ketzerische Essais zur Philosophie der Geschichte und ergänzende Schriften. Hrsg. v. Klaus Nellen und Jírí Nemec. 1988.
      3. Die natürliche Welt als philosophisches Problem. Phänomenologische Schrfiten I. Hrsg. v. Klaus Nellen und Jírí Nemec. 1990.
      4. Die Bewegung der menschlichen Existenz. Phänomenologische Schrfiten II. Hrsg. v. Klaus Nellen, Jírí Nemec und Ilja Srubar. 1991.
      5. Schriften zur tschechischen Kultur und Geschichte. Hrsg. v. Klaus Nellen, Petr Pithart und Milos Pojar. 1992.
    3. Orbis Phaenomenologicus. Quellen.  Verlag Karl Albert. Freiburg/München.
      1. Eugen Fink und Jan Patočka.  Briefe und Dokumente, 1933-1977.  Hrsg. v. Michael Heitz und Bernhard Nessler.  1999.
      2. see 1.1 (above).
      3. Vom Erscheinen als solchem. Texte aus dem Nachlaß. Hrsg. v. Helga Blaschek-Hahn und Karel Novotný. 2000.
    4. J.A. Komenský. Gesammelte Schriften zur Commeniusforschung. Hrsg. v. K. Schaller. Bochum, 1981.

    5. FRENCH
    6. Le monde naturel comme un problème philosophique.  Translate by Jaromír Danek and Henri Declève.  The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976.
    7. éssais hérétiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire.  Translated by Erika Abrams.  Lagrasse: éditions Verdier, 1981.
    8. Plato et l'Europe.  Translated by Erika Abrams.  Lagrasse: éditions Verdier, 1983.
    9. La crise du sens, tome 1, Comte, Masaryk, Husserl.  Translated by Erika Abrams.  Brussels: éditions Ousia, 1985.
    10. La crise du sens, tome 2, Comte, Masaryk et l'action.  Translated by Erika Abrams.  Brussels: éditions Ousia, 1986.
    11. Le monde naturel et le mouvement de l'existence humaine.  Edited and translated by Erika Abrams. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988.
    12. Qu'est-ce que la phénomenologie.  Edited and translated by Erika Abrams.  Grenoble: J Millon, 1988.
    13. L'écrivain, son, "objet".  Edited and translated by Erika Abrams.  Paris: P.O.L. 1990.
    14. Liberté et sacrifice. Ecrits politiques.  Edited and translated by Erika Abrams. Grenoble: J. Millon, 1990.
    15.  L'idée de l'Europe en Bohême. Translated by Erika Abrams. Grenoble: J. Millon, 1991.
    16. L'art et le temps." Edited and translated by Erika Abrams. Paris: P.O.L., 1992.

    17. ENGLISH
    18. see 1.2 (above).
    19. Body, Community, Language, World.  Translated by Erazim Kohák.  Edited by James Dodd.  Chicago, IL: Open Court, 1998.
    20. Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History.  Translated by Erazim Kohák.  Edited by James Dodd.  Chicago, IL: Open Court, 1996.
    21. An Introduction to Husserl's Phenomenology.  Translated by Erazim Kohák.  Edited by James Dodd.  Chicago, IL: Open Court, 1996.
    22. Plato and Europe.  Translated by Petr Lom.  Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002.

    Maintained by Bob Sandmeyer.